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The Right Way to Clean Soccer Cleats


Your soccer cleats are more than just a piece of gear; they're an essential part of your game. To ensure your kicks are always on point, keeping them clean and well-maintained is crucial. 


This blog post explains how to clean soccer cleats and preserve them for peak performance and swag.


Prep and Prevention


Before we get into the nitty-gritty of cleaning, let's talk about prevention. Avoiding excessive mud, dirt, and grime buildup on the field is the first step to keeping your soccer cleats in top condition. 


Before each game or practice, quickly inspect your soccer cleats and knock off any loose dirt. 


Post-Game Ritual


After a spirited match, it's time to show your soccer cleats some love. You’ll need a soft-bristled brush, cleaning solution, and two clean damp cloths.


Here's a simple post-game ritual to keep them in tip-top shape:


Brush Off Excess Dirt


Start by tapping the soles together to dislodge loose dirt. Then, gently remove dirt or dried mud from the cleats using a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush.


Pay extra attention to the grooves and studs where dirt tends to hide. Using gentle, circular motions helps lift the dirt without damaging the material.


Wipe With a Damp Cloth


Dampen a cloth or sponge and wipe down the entire surface of the cleats. Focus on using a circular motion to lift any remaining dirt without scrubbing too harshly, as this can damage the material.


For stubborn spots, lightly dampen the cloth with a mild soap solution (mix a few drops of dish soap with water) or laundry detergent and target those areas specifically.


Pay special attention to seams and stitching where dirt tends to accumulate. Ensure the cloth is not overly wet, as excess moisture can seep into the cleats and cause damage.


After wiping, use a second dampened clean cloth to remove any soapy residue, ensuring the material is clean and free from soap.


soccer cleats covered in mud


Remove Insoles and Laces


Remember the insoles and shoelaces when cleaning your soccer cleats. Insoles and laces can get dirty and build up odors from sweating during training and games, so to clean, start by removing them from your cleats. This makes cleaning easier and ensures you address all the hidden dirt and bacteria that can cause odor.


Soak the insoles and shoelaces in warm, soapy water. Use a mild detergent to create a gentle cleaning solution that won’t damage the materials. Allow them to soak for 15-20 minutes to loosen any grime.


After soaking, gently scrub the insoles with a soft brush or cloth to remove any stubborn dirt. For the shoelaces, rub them together or use an old toothbrush to clean them thoroughly.


Rinse the insoles and laces with clean water to remove excess soap. Then, let them air dry completely before reinserting them into your cleats.


This step is essential for cleanliness and preventing odor buildup, ensuring your cleats stay fresh and ready for your next game.


Dry Thoroughly


Proper drying is a crucial step in your cleats' cleaning routine to prevent mold and unpleasant odors. Following these cleaning instructions will help you maintain your cleats in top condition.


Stuff the inside of the cleats with newspaper or paper towels to help them retain their shape and absorb excess moisture.


This not only helps them retain their shape but also effectively absorbs excess moisture. It's important to allow them to air dry naturally. Place your cleats in a well-ventilated area to ensure they dry evenly and thoroughly.


Avoid direct sunlight or heat sources like radiators, as these can damage the material and affect the integrity of your cleats.


Instead, choose a cool, shaded spot where air can circulate freely. Check the cleats periodically and replace the newspaper or wet paper towels if they become saturated.


Reassemble and Store


Once your insoles and laces are completely dry, reassemble your cleats. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


If you have shoe trees or inserts, use them to help maintain the shape of your cleats.


dirty soccer cleats


Dealing with Tough Stains


For those stubborn stains that just won't budge, try these tips:


Mild Soap and Water


Mix a small amount of mild soap or laundry detergent with warm water. Use a soft brush or cloth to gently scrub away stains. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residue, which can attract more dirt if left behind.


Toothpaste Trick


Apply a small amount of non-gel toothpaste to the stain, then scrub with a toothbrush. The mild abrasiveness can help lift tough marks. Dab with a cleaning solution and rinse the area well after scrubbing to avoid toothpaste residue.


Baking Soda Solution


Make a paste using baking soda and water. Apply it to the stains and let it sit for a while before scrubbing and rinsing. This method is particularly effective for white or light-colored cleats.


Air Dry and Storage


After cleaning, let your cleats dry naturally. Avoid using direct heat sources like hair dryers, as excessive heat can damage the materials. Once dry, store them in a cool, dry place to prevent mold and unpleasant odors.


Consider using a shoe bag or breathable container to protect them from dust and moisture. Do not store soccer cleats in a plastic bag as it doesn’t support proper air circulation.


Tip: For leather soccer cleats, regular conditioning is essential to maintain their flexibility and prevent cracking. Apply a leather conditioner evenly with a soft cloth after cleaning and drying the cleats, which helps extend their lifespan and enhances their performance.


The Final Word on How to Clean Soccer Cleats


With these simple cleaning instructions, you can keep your soccer cleats looking fresh and ready to conquer the field.


You can avoid damaging your cleats by following a proper cleaning routine—using a mild cleaning solution, warm water, and techniques to remove dirt. 


Remember to air dry your cleats naturally and avoid direct heat sources to maintain their shape and longevity.


A well-maintained pair of cleats enhances your performance and adds a touch of swag to your game. Kick on, and may your cleats always be as clean as your winning goals!


Be sure to check out our range of custom soccer apparel before you go! We have a wide variety of personalized soccer jerseys, shorts, uniforms and much more. 


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